Brian Lombardo
Albert Kim, left, ICE Radio advisor, gets congratulated by CT State Manchester CEO Nicole Esposito at the Dec. 6 ICE-lebration Party.
ICE Radio, the award-winning campus radio station at CT State Manchester, celebrated 15 years on the air on Wednesday, Dec. 6, with an ICE-lebration Party in front of its station on the first floor of the Student Services Center building. The event drew members of the campus community as well as graduates who had been a part of the radio station.
The station started as a student club in 2008, with no equipment, facilities or programming, said Albert Kim, a professor of Communication who has served as advisor and champion of the radio station since its inception. From those humble beginnings a legacy was born.
He said he is grateful and proud of the hundreds of students from all walks of life who have been a part of ICE Radio as a host, producer, officer or intern over the past 15 years.
“Many of the se ICE grads have gone on to work in radio, audio production and media,” he said. “And it’s so gratifying to hear them say they all got their start after the light bulb went off over their heads here at Manchester.”

Stream ICE Radio at www.manchestercc.edu, download its free mobile app at www.radiofx.co and check out its archived content of podcasts, PSA’s and interviews at www.soundcloud.com/iceradiomcc.